Krylancelo Finrandi and his foster sister Azalie Cait-Sith were once bright sorcery students at the renowned Tower of Fangs, prodigies in a world of magic and monsters. However, a catastrophically bot...

5.50 5.81 571

Long ago, Kyle, the king of Orvelia, vanquished the demon king Angmund and established world peace. However, demons have been seen in the woodlands again one hundred years later, posing a threat to hu...

5.90 6.01 534

The Qin army, led by 1,000-Man Commander Xin, is getting closer to realizing King Ying Zheng's vision of uniting China after the successful Sanyou campaign. Qin turns its attention eastward toward the...

8.82 517

All of China is in a position of economic recovery following the conclusion of the extensive coalition campaign. The state of Qin, the battle's winner, is no different. There, internal strife between ...

8.82 506

One thing always tends to lift 15-year-old Kino's spirits when she is feeling depressed by troubled thoughts: travel. Exploring the lovely, magnificent world around her and the various ways that peopl...

7.20 7.60 553

Ichika Usami, a happy adolescent, gets her love of sweets from her mother's baking. She tries her hand at baking a cake herself to celebrate her mother's return from abroad. A dog-like fairy named Pek...

8.00 7.06 494

Mirai Momoyama and Emo Moegi, two first-year middle school students who want to become idols, decide to use the "PriChan System," a platform used by well-known persons and organizations to broadcast c...

7.00 7.14 541

"Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai" (Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan) is a spin-off OVA series based on the "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" manga series, specifically focused on the character Rohan Kishibe, a manga artis...

7.50 7.62 506

A struggling investigator named Kurou Daijuuji resides in Arkham City. He once received a request to look for a magic book from Ruri Hado of the Hado Financial Group. When Ruri's desire was fulfilled,...

6.55 503

We begin in the lovely Dahlia Academy, where two nations that are equal in dignity—the "Black Doggies" of the Eastern Nation of Touwa and the "White Cats" of the Principality of West—come together...

7.20 7.45 516

A Japanese journalist named Yuko Kusaka has been brought to Brazil to report on the gold rush phenomena that seems to be making many individuals richer by the hour. There are rumors that Rio Baraki, a...

4.20 4.17 325

Tsubasa Kurata, an otaku from contemporary Japan who perished in a car accident, is reincarnated in the Fremmevilla Kingdom, a medieval setting where strong mechs known as Silhouette Knights are emplo...

7.20 7.09 527