A young, misanthropic college student named Yuuhi Amamiya one day awakens to discover a lizard on his bed. The lizard says that Yuuhi has been selected as a Beast Knight, a magical warrior assigned to...

6.60 5.49 598

Shuichi Nitori is a fifth-grader who transfers to a new school at the beginning of Wandering Son. Another student, the tall, boyish Yoshino Takatsuki, rapidly wins her friendship. Yoshino quickly find...

7.60 7.70 504

In the far-off future depicted in Land of the Lustrous, the Earth has been ravaged by meteors that have impacted it six times. Nearly all life was eliminated, and the surviving country was reduced to ...

7.90 8.40 527

Seigi Nakata, a brilliant and upright Japanese college student, and Richard Ranashinha Dvorpian, a gorgeous British jewelry appraiser, are the main characters of the book. The pair solves a variety of...

7.19 6.90 551

Two martial artists are brutally killed by a team of assassins, leaving their wards, a young boy and girl, defenseless. A martial arts master dispatches of the assassins, sparing their lives, and deci...


Legends say that a Fangshi known as Huangli Shi can change the impacts of solar terms, festivals, and seasonal solstices as well as forecast the outcome of each day. Unemployed Xiao Nanzhu made the de...

7.80 7.79 569

The only thing that can stop the strange Savage life forms that are assaulting Earth are "Hundreds," a type of weapon that gets its name from its capacity to transform into a variety of shapes. People...

6.30 6.32 429

The narrative centers on Gon Freecss, a little child who was raised believing that both of his parents had passed away. Gon, however, leaves his home on Whale Island to take the Hunter Examination in ...

9.00 9.04 595

The narrative centers on Gon Freecss, a little child who was raised believing that both of his parents had passed away. Gon, however, leaves his home on Whale Island to take the Hunter Examination in ...

9.00 8.19 518

The narrative centers on Gon Freecss, a little child who was raised believing that both of his parents had passed away. Gon, however, leaves his home on Whale Island to take the Hunter Examination in ...

9.00 8.31 545

The narrative centers on Gon Freecss, a little child who was raised believing that both of his parents had passed away. Gon, however, leaves his home on Whale Island to take the Hunter Examination in ...

8.40 8.26 490

The International Secret Police Agency's director, Onigawara, was eager to develop Takeshi into a top-notch criminal investigator. Takeshi received instruction, which helped him develop into a skilled...

7.70 6.48 512