Carmen Sandiego is a former agent of ACME who left to seek a greater challenge, and has a strong code of ethics when stealing items. The world famous thief, Carmen Sandiego, plays an intricate game o...
7.00 6.70 122In the retro-1980's future, robots have become commonplace. Mechanical butlers, electronic plumbers and robo-bartenders are part of everyday life, but Robot Jones is a different kind of machine altoge...
7.50 7.40 118The show follows the format of Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!, in which Scooby-Doo, and his companions Fred, Daphne, Velma, and Shaggy, travel to varying locations solving mysteries; this format is modern...
6.50 7.00 123The series focuses on Wheelie, a red Volkswagen Beetle, and his girlfriend Rota Ree (a pun on the "rotary engine"). Wheelie made his living as a professional- and quite successful- racing and stunt ca...
6.00 7.10 114The protagonist of the series is Andy Larkin, a mischievous teen and the self-proclaimed "world's greatest prankster". The show follows him as he tries to perform incredibly well-thought-out and elabo...
6.00 6.50 144The show revolves around Buddy, a beagle separated from his 10-year-old owner Jeffy in Elizabeth, New Jersey, and Woof, a large bulldog (to whom Buddy refers as obsessed) who runs away from his owner....
6.90 7.40 120This summer replacement show starred Ed Huddles, the quarterback for the Rhinos, a professional football team, and his neighbor, Bubba McCoy, the team's center. They lived next door to each other and ...
7.60 7.20 118Great team is called the WildC.A.T.S. They consist of Grifter, Mol, Sparken, Fudo, and Warblade together they all united to stopped the evil Lord Helspont who was the leader of the so called daemonite...
7.70 7.40 109This show follows the adventures of animated versions of brothers Chris and Martin Kratt, hosts of such educational shows as "Kratts' Creatures" and "Zoboomafoo." In the show, the animated Kratts enco...
7.00 6.40 115In the 1800s, a mysterious comet hits the United States southwest, transforming the local cattle and animals into their own version of the old west called Moo Mesa, complete with several lawmen dealin...
6.10 7.60 129