Two school friends obsessed with a fantasy card game called Battle Day Zero inadvertently bring one of the characters, Hiro, to life. His arrival coincides with that of a Japanese exchange student who...
6.02 287This is the story of Mr. Fox (George Clooney) and his wild ways of hen heckling, turkey taking, and cider sipping, nocturnal, instinctive adventures. He has to put his wild days behind him and do what...
7.09 232When a spaceship crashes to Earth and reveals a group of quirky little space aliens on the run for their lives, the "GadgetGang" kids--Gus, Phoebe, Francesco, Mitsue, Mary Ann, Banana, and Tank--soon ...
4.50 303The envious and power-hungry Urfin Jus wants to become the ruler of Magic Land. He brings the wooden soldiers to life with a magic powder and goes with them to conquer the Emerald City. He is already ...
3.06 254Ant Island is a colony of ants led by the Queen and her daughter, Princess Atta. Every season, they are forced to give food to a gang of marauding grasshoppers led by Hopper. One day, when Flik, an in...
7.02 288Watch your favorite Shrek characters sing the night away in this hilarious spoof. Join in the fun as Fiona, Puss in Boots, Donkey and the rest of the Far Far Away Kingdom battle it out in a singer's s...
6.02 286When Chuck and Woodsly are accidentally entered in the FUR BALL RUN, they have to figure out how to put their paws on the pedal to compete against a pack of seasoned drivers from across the animal kin...
4.09 247An alien cop from the distant Reticulum star system is forced on a dangerous deep space mission. ...
3.01 589The Peanuts are celebrating the start of the winter season by ice skating on a frozen pond and singing "Christmas Time Is Here." Leaning against a nearby fence, Charlie Brown tells Linus van Pelt that...
6.36 369The Chipmunks finish making invitations to send to their relatives and then leave to audition for the town play Pilgrims Adventures in a New Land. Alvin tries for the role of the Lead, while Simon tri...
6.08 299It's coming up on Christmastime, and the Chipmunks are eager for the big day to arrive. David Seville books studio time for them to record a Christmas song, while Alvin, Simon and Theodore go windo...
7.01 281