Following several episodes, six brief "Special Broadcasts" (omake) were created and broadcast. Although the characters are depicted as chibis, they lasted for around five minutes and maintained the ge...

6.16 498

Hiroyuki and Akari are currently in their 12th grade; time flies. Physically or intellectually, they have all gradually matured along with their buddies, but one of their closest companions—the life...

4.90 6.39 486

Golden Darkness, a cold-blooded assassin who can shift, comes back to delve deeper into the mysteries of her new existence as a dark Nemesis manipulates Mea, her younger sister, from the shadows. This...

7.00 7.45 539

Kal-el Albus is dispatched to Isla, an island in the sky, to discover the "end of the sky," as described in ancient legend. He attends the aerial division of Cadoques High there and lives carefree wit...

7.10 7.16 488

The prominent all-girls middle school Tokiwadai Middle School is competing as well now that the Daihasei Festival has started. Mikoto Misaka, the "Ace of Tokiwadai," is competing, but the other kids a...

7.50 8.18 517

Isami Hanaoka is a fifth-grader who also happens to be a Shinsengumi ancestor. She finds unusual items left by their ancestors in the basement of her home, along with classmates and other descendants ...

7.80 7.34 476

An organization called Vischio took control of Tokyo and renamed it Toshima after a third global war that left Japan in shambles. Battle games known as Igura, supervised by the Vischio, take place in ...

5.60 6.24 464

The planet has been defended from "Aratama," odd and evil monsters intent on eradicating humanity, by an elite organization of shrine maidens known as "Toji" throughout history. These warriors are cur...

5.60 6.80 486

The primary character, Fujisaki Shiori, is the focus of Tokimeki Memorial, which brings together the twelve young girls from Kirameki High School. The third school year, which is the final one before ...

6.05 472

Ranze Etou, a fifteen-year-old girl, leads a typical life for a girl her age, save for the fact that she lives in a castle with a werewolf mother and a vampire father who are perpetually concerned abo...

8.00 7.13 495

Short stories written after the series' airing ...

8.00 6.24 541

The Hazard Cast, a surveillance system that foretells accidents and aids sufferers right away, keeps residents of the 24th Ward, a special jurisdiction region constructed in Tokyo Bay, very secure. Th...

6.00 6.35 440