After seven years, Saku Ooyagi visits his hometown and quickly reestablishes contact with Mihoshi Akeno, a boyhood buddy. Since their last recollection of one another is of her falling from a tree and...
6.90 7.06 523A group of pals, including Yuzuki and Souta Mizusaka, Koharu Shiihara, Shione Togawa, and Nonoka Komiya, once tried to call a flying saucer to satisfy their wishes. They concluded that they had failed...
6.40 6.66 543The story takes place in the year 311 of the orbital calendar, when humanity has spread throughout a great number of space colony clusters. A malicious artificial intelligence named Leopard has been i...
7.10 7.00 544Mari Tamaki, who is overcome with awe at the beauty of the earth, has always imagined what is on the other side of the universe. Nevertheless, despite having such lofty ambitions on the inside, she ha...
8.10 8.53 467On the "Spooner Continent," a brave band of Sorcerer Hunters serves as the last line of defense for the populace against the pernicious dark magick that is occasionally let loose by those who are powe...
5.80 5.91 490Futaba Ichinose, a rookie voice actor who dreams of breaking into the top tier of professionals, scrambles around in search of auditions and performance opportunities. She attempts to develop her own ...
6.98 7.04 476A maid café is not often what comes to mind when thinking of Seaside Cafe. Seaside Cafe, which was hastily renamed to capitalize on the maid trend, doesn't carry tea, provides very little in the way ...
6.50 6.45 466Ayumu Tanaka, the middle school kendo champion, enrolls in the unofficial Shogi Club instead of the expected Kendo Club when he starts his freshman year of high school. The president of the club and t...
6.80 7.06 578A maid café is not often what comes to mind when thinking of Seaside Cafe. Seaside Cafe, which was hastily renamed to capitalize on the maid trend, doesn't carry tea, provides very little in the way ...
7.20 7.44 483