Six identical siblings, self-centered leader Osomatsu, manly Karamatsu, voice of reason Choromatsu, cynical Ichimatsu, hyperactive Juushimatsu, and endearing Todomatsu, make up the majority of the Mat...
7.60 7.95 512anime based on the role-playing video games Otaku no Seiza: in Another World for the Turbo CD and Otaku no Seiza: An Adventure in the Otaku Galaxy for the NES, both of which were released in Japan in ...
5.40 512Otaku no Video, which is loosely based on the actual history of how Gainax came to be, covers every facet of the otaku culture. When Ken Kubo is lured into an otaku group, he is a young man leading an...
7.10 7.12 497There was a realm of magic and science long, long ago. God divided the world into two halves—the world of science, Elde, and the world of magic, Fandavale—out of fear for what man might become. A ...
5.40 6.97 532Most individuals would want to be the main character in an exciting environment, whether it be in a video game or in another place and time. Unfortunately, one particular girl is not as fortunate. She...
7.30 7.48 499When Grandpa's will is read, Mizuho can hardly believe what he is hearing. Mizuho attending the same academy as Mizuho's mother was Grandpa's ultimate request. The drawback is that it is a school for ...
6.70 7.04 559The son of a well-known general, Second Lieutenant Kei Agemaki, has spent his entire life concealing his intense dread of supernatural things. He meets his biggest dread, though, when he and two other...
6.80 7.44 516An everyday man who was blackmailed into playing a matriarchy-themed dating simulator must endure the oppressive and confusing world until he wins the game. He ultimately succeeds in beating it after ...
7.20 7.35 585Kaze Kawamo wo Suberu After living overseas for five years, Noriko is returning to Japan to see her parents. She is unsure of what to anticipate. Despite the fact that certain things in Kanazawa have...
7.60 7.37 532Kautz was hunting for work when all of a sudden an armor shop hired him. But it's an adult armor business, not your typical armor store. An ecchi comedy that highlights the retailer's perspective on s...
5.30 5.61 563Jing, the legendary King of Bandits, is imprisoned in Seventh Heaven, the most infamous prison complex in the entire globe, together with his bird sidekick Kir. There, they attempt to rob the prisoner...
7.00 7.26 495