Focuses on the activities of Team Warrior, a division of the Neo-Tokyo Police dedicated to counterterrorism. Team Warrior is captained by the mysterious Maki and includes the habitually broke Rio, the...
6.50 6.55 514Kyohei Tachibana is a quiet student at a cooking school in a crime-ridden future Japan who has aspirations of studying for an advanced pastry degree in France (pastry chef). He accepts a part-time pos...
6.50 6.80 521One night, Kazuki Muto leaps in to try to save what he believes to be a girl in danger from a monster but ends up getting his heart stabbed. Tokiko, the girl, is actually an alchemic warrior wearing a...
6.80 7.31 554"C - Control: The Money and Soul of Possibility" (also known as [C] The Money of Soul and Possibility Control) is an anime series that explores the intertwined relationships between money, power, an...
6.60 7.19 563In the not too distant future, a disease known as "Cagaster" emerged. It transforms people into insects. The story starts in 2125, 30 years after the sickness first appeared. It chronicles the exploit...
6.10 6.48 683"Cannon Busters" is an American animated series influenced by Japanese anime. The show was created by LeSean Thomas, who has previously worked on other animated shows like "The Boondocks" and "Black D...
6.60 6.44 541The main character of the anime is a boy named Kouta Kouka (Kouka Kouta in Japanese name order, an apparent wordplay on Coca-Cola). In the virtual Drink Planet's Bottle Battles, Kouta aspires to be th...
5.53 534Up until the day she cracked open a weird book and released dozens of potent magic cards loose on the world, Sakura Kinomoto was an ordinary fourth-grader. Sakura is informed by Keroberos, the Clow Ca...
8.00 8.15 750Sakura, who is fourteen years old, and her pals, including Syaoran, who had recently returned to Tomoeda, enroll in junior high school. All of Sakura's cards turn blank and are rendered powerless afte...
7.80 7.65 605Third-year middle school student Aichi Sendou is a shy person who has always looked backwards rather than forward in life. But the only thing keeping him safe is a card named "Blaster Blade" that was ...
5.80 7.02 549