Yuki Takeya, a carefree junior in high school, eagerly anticipates each day at the School Living Club. The club, which is led by its president Yuuri Wakasa and includes the mature Miki Naoki, the athl...

7.10 7.62 551

The last of humanity survives a nuclear apocalypse with the aid of lifelike androids known as Dolls. Some people are designed to fight in battles as Tactical Dolls or T-Dolls. Now, Sangvis Ferri, a ne...

6.20 5.90 540

Insanely in love with his teacher Hina, Natsuo Fujii. He accepts a mixer in an effort to move on. Rui Tachibana, a strange female he meets there, asks him to leave incognito. She brings him to her hom...

6.80 6.69 841

Young Dongguo Xiaojie has lived with her mother since she was a young child. The year she turned sixteen, her mother's "Grave Illness" struck out of nowhere. Dongguo Xiaojie embarked on a perilous tre...

5.84 539

The Meiji Restoration took place in 1868. As a result, the nation had to deal with many outlaws, including samurai who rebelled against their overthrown positions. Although many were detained, they qu...

6.90 7.49 529

In the rural area of Japan, Mikan Sakura grew up beside her grandfather. Mikan transfers with her best friend Hotaru Imai to a famous school in Tokyo. The institution is actually a prestigious Academy...

7.20 7.63 513

Ten-year-old Nobita Nobi, a Japanese schoolboy, is friendly and trustworthy but also slow, unlucky, weak, struggles academically, and isn't very good at sports. One day, Nobita's descendants send Dora...

8.00 7.77 568

Two young brothers named Ryichi Kashima (a freshman in high school) and his younger brother Kotar (a preschooler) are left orphaned and without a place to call home after their parents pass away unexp...

7.70 7.90 531

Masamune Date, a baseball great, and Yukimura Sanada, a soccer prodigy, are once again engaged in a fiery struggle at Basara Academy. Additionally, ever since Hideyoshi Toyotomi, the head of the stude...

5.00 6.18 539

"Gakuen Handsome" is a comedy anime series that parodies the Boys' Love (BL) and otome genres. The series originally started as a BL game before being adapted into an anime. The story is set in Bar...

6.71 568

What if you had the ability to enslave anybody you desired? This is close, though. For a fee, the SCM enables you to enslave anyone other who is wearing one. To make the other person into their slave,...

5.70 5.94 536

Keita It, a typical high school student, is shocked to learn that Bell Liberty Academy (Beru Jiy Gakuen), a prestigious and exclusive boarding school, had accepted him. The mystery unnerves him, but t...

5.80 6.48 505