In the first episode of the series, a mysterious phenomena known as a "spatial quake" decimates the heart of Eurasia and kills at least 150 million people. Smaller spatial quakes will continue to disr...
6.90 7.17 439Formerly a typical junior high school student, Mami Sakura developed magical abilities. She resolves enigmatic incidents by using her abilities and the assistance of her best friend, Mr. Takahata. She...
7.50 6.50 555Days chronicles Tsukushi Tsukamoto's tribulations as a shy, awkward, and bullied adolescent set to enter high school. In order to be near Sayuri Tachibana, his next-door neighbor and childhood buddy w...
7.30 7.17 487The cities of Japan have been walled off and separated from one another in the distant future. Immigration and tourism are very restricted, if not impossible. An AI moderator is in charge of each regi...
6.70 6.51 604The story focuses on Holy Emperor Thouzer's attempts to become friends with Kenshiro. ...
5.95 157The narrative takes place in a parallel universe in which the nuclear war of 199X (from the first series) never happened. As a result, Kenshiro, Raoh, and Toki find themselves competing not just for t...
6.70 6.50 555In a future Japan where android housekeepers are the norm, society strictly adheres to the Three Laws of Robotics, which every android is required to abide by. The Robot Ethics Committee has determine...
7.80 8.03 531The narrative takes place in a parallel universe in which the nuclear war of 199X (from the first series) never happened. As a result, Kenshiro, Raoh, and Toki find themselves competing not just for t...
6.10 537The nation's youth are being affected by a severe internet addiction epidemic that has led to their total dependence on the internet. Elite Reeducation Academy accepts those who are too far gone in or...
5.20 5.80 580In a wagashi shop in Kyoto, the series is set. The main character, Nagomu Irino, is an only child who fled his home 10 years ago to live in Tokyo in order to pursue his ambition of joining a band. He ...
7.10 7.60 489