Billionaire Rei Midoriyama establishes a covert organization called Circus in the year 23rd to fight a shadowy organization named Shadow that is engulfing the globe. When she is unable to recruit comp...

5.90 719

A mythical dragon named Ryujinmaru magically transports a 9-year-old boy named Wataru Ikusabe, also known as Ikusabe Wataru, to the realm known as Soukaizan, which he is tasked with defending against ...

7.80 7.04 534

The year 2117, Tokyo. Yoshio Kobayashi, a young detective, is motivated to contribute to the defense of tranquil existence against unknown dangers, particularly those posed by covert, enigmatic crimin...

5.20 770

"Chou Yuu Sekai: Being the Reality" is a Chinese-Japanese anime series that aired in 2017. The story is set in a world where real and digital dimensions are merged and follows a group of young individ...

6.14 579

Hishou Washizaki, a student in middle school, is returning home after visiting his girlfriend Ruri Miyasaka, who is presently unconscious. Along the journey, he comes upon a strange feather that trigg...

5.80 6.35 539

The nations of this fantastical realm are ruled by entities known as the Goddesses. Planeptune, Lastation, Lowee, and Leanbox are the four states that the four Goddesses rule over. These nations hav...

6.40 6.93 542

Humanity has departed the Solar System in the year 2120 and has begun colonizing other worlds. On the terraformed planet Glorie is one of the farthest colonies. The colonists there are safeguarded fro...

7.00 6.55 535

The world is at war in the year 2062. Conflict between the two superpowers over the space elevator. Dimensional weapons, like the Space/Time Oscillation Bomb, are considerably more dangerous than atom...

7.10 6.51 522

In spite of their youth, Tsukasa Mikogami, Ringo Hoshi, Shinobu Sarutobi, Keine Kanzaki, Aoi Ichij, Prince Akatsuki, and Masato Sanada are extraordinarily talented high school students who are at the ...

6.20 6.39 803

Shinobu Fujiwara, Sara Yuki, Masato Shikibu, and Ryo Shiba are the four warriors who operate the mecha Dancouga in the battle to free parts of Earth from the Muge Zorbados Empire, an alien invasion fo...

6.20 6.66 550

Under the master's terrible rule, the Youma (demons) menace reappears in 2058. The last hope for humanity to halt the wicked scourge before it swallows all of Megalocity is a new generation of Borgman...

5.67 547

Tokyo was completely demolished in 1999 when four "devil stones" descended on the city. Invaders from a different dimension known as GIL attack Megaro City, a new city built on Tokyo Bay, in 2030, 31 ...

8.70 6.34 553