"Usakame" is a comedy anime series that serves as a spin-off of the popular manga and anime franchise "Teekyuu." The series follows the daily lives and comical antics of four high school girls who are...
5.40 5.77 324"Ushio to Tora" is an action-packed supernatural anime series adapted from the manga of the same name by Kazuhiro Fujita. The story follows the unlikely alliance between Ushio Aotsuki, a hot-blooded a...
7.70 7.57 432"Uta no Prince-sama" is a popular anime series that combines elements of romance, music, and idol culture. The story revolves around a young aspiring composer named Haruka Nanami, who enrolls in the p...
6.50 7.03 400After the events of Mask of Deception, the Yamato Empire is now ruled with an iron fist by a ruthless usurper who seeks to subjugate all before him. It's up to a couple of familiar faces to band toget...
7.20 7.27 428"Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen" is an anime series that combines elements of fantasy, adventure, and political intrigue. It serves as a sequel to the original "Utawarerumono" visual novel and anime...
6.40 7.26 408"Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!" is a lighthearted romantic comedy anime series based on the manga of the same name by Take. The story revolves around the daily interactions and humorous antics of the energe...
6.90 7.01 431"My wish as champion is for you to descend the tower and be my wife." Climbing a deadly tower, Oscar seeks the power of its master, the Witch of the Azure Moon. He hopes her incredible magic can break...
7.80 7.39 525After World War II, Allied Command in Japan developed a new agency to help manage terrorism and violence within the Pacific region. The agency was staffed with ninja and they were initially tasked to ...
7.80 6.54 1081After reading the conclusion of her favorite manga series, Fuuko Izumo finally feels ready to end her existence. For the past 10 years, Fuuko has been afflicted by a condition that brings extreme misf...
8.40 8.08 1008Set several years after the original Ultraman series, Shin Hayata has become a defense minister with no recollection of how he transformed into Ultraman to save the world from Kaijus. Matsushiro Ide, ...
6.80 451Akira Kiyose, a high school student with a passion for singing, is recruited by sMiLea Production, a talent agency. He soon learns that the agency is run by the renowned idol group "Anela," whose unex...
5.60 6.88 366