In this sequel series to "He-Man," the story unfolds 10,000 years into the future, where Prince Adam is unexpectedly transported from his time to defend Planet Primus. Here, he faces a new threat from...
7.40 6.80 119Young Zoe lives in the picturesque Grand Mountain National Park, accompanied by her loyal dog, Lassie. With an extraordinary ability to sense human emotions without needing to be told, Lassie proves t...
6.50 6.50 115Lucky Luke is the legendary cowboy known for shooting faster than his own shadow. Accompanied by his clever horse, Jolly Jumper, who is renowned as the world's smartest horse, and occasionally joined ...
7.70 7.70 116The world's most famous superhero makes a triumphant return in a series of thrilling adventures set just one minute into the future. Each episode explores cutting-edge technology, emerging threats, an...
7.10 7.80 131The series follows the continued adventures of the masked hero of Spanish California, a swashbuckling figure who fights for justice and defends the oppressed. With his quick wit and skilled swordsmans...
7.20 7.10 125This series delves into the deeper and more intense adventures of Batman, featuring a new Robin who steps into the role with fresh energy and unique challenges. As Batman faces increasingly formidable...
7.30 6.10 122These new episodes feature the classic cast of "The Flintstones," showcasing Fred and Barney's children, Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm, as adorable toddlers. Having previously been depicted as teenagers, this...
7.60 6.70 105In this lively show, Mr. Peabody and his son Sherman host a live TV variety program from their Manhattan penthouse, inviting a range of historical figures as guests who arrive via their WABAC time mac...
6.20 6.60 125This show follows a classic Hanna-Barbera formula from the 1970s, featuring a group of teens and their lovable creature sidekick as they embark on adventures and solve mysteries. The main characters�...
7.30 6.50 119The comedic bird drives everyone around him wild with his zany antics and unpredictable behavior. Whether he's pulling pranks, making witty remarks, or getting into absurd situations, his relentless e...
7.80 6.70 119Join Fred, Wilma, Dino, Barney, and Betty as they navigate their formative years as precocious prehistoric preteens. In this lively series, the gang rides to school on the back of a brontosaurus, skat...
7.00 6.30 110Magilla Gorilla is a laid-back gorilla who resides in the front display window of Melvin Peebles' pet shop, where he mostly lounges around, munching on bananas. His carefree lifestyle and tendency to ...
6.60 7.90 115