A lonely third-year college student runs with a man with an eggplant-shaped head who declares himself a god of matrimony one autumn evening at a mystery ramen shop near the Shimogamo Shrine. The stude...

8.40 8.57 411

"Chokotto Monogatari" is a heartwarming and comedic anime series that tells the story of a group of adorable and mischievous animal characters as they navigate their daily lives. The series combines e...

6.25 277

Tanuki and Tengu tribes have been living in Kyoto for many years, coexisting with people who are unaware of their presence. Yasaburou Shimogamo, the third child of a powerful tanuki family, spends his...

7.60 7.84 487

Buenos Aires resident and high school student Johnny Rico is undecided about his career goals. He enlists in the Federal Military in the intention of pursuing his boyhood sweetheart Carmen into space ...

7.70 6.19 383

Five high school students—Ray, Anna, Tyler, Halle, and Eisuke—find themselves unexpectedly involved in a strange situation. The sister of Halle is kidnapped by an alien race known as the Grey, ...

5.60 5.10 402

Yuki Sakurai, who was raised as an orphan, questions his capacity to view a person's traumatic past by simply touching them and his reason for existing. Yuki is unable to get rid of the nagging feelin...

6.80 7.22 361

Kai and Gerda have been neighbors and close friends since they were little. Kai is twelve; Gerda is eleven. They were contented kids who behaved well in their work and play. When the Snow Queen's mirr...

7.00 6.95 394

"Urusei Yatsura" is a classic anime series based on the manga created by Rumiko Takahashi. Known for its humor, romance, and supernatural elements, the series follows the misadventures of a high schoo...

7.50 7.72 512

"Yuusha-Ou GaoGaiGar Final Grand Glorious Gathering" continues the story of the GGG team and their battle against the Zonders. It serves as a direct sequel to the "GaoGaiGar: King of Braves" series, e...

7.36 394

The journey to the West was a conspiracy of heaven! After Sutra went missing for more than a decade, Heaven sent its army to search, in order not to let the Sutra once again fall into the hands of hea...

6.69 528

Wang Ling is a cool-headed high school student with a carefree attitude. He appears to have a relatively weak spiritual force, but he is actually capable of instantly destroying the entire universe. H...

7.20 7.35 581

"Xiang Ling Ji," also known as "Tales of Exorcism," is a Chinese anime series based on the manhua (Chinese comic) of the same name by Tencent Animation. It is set in a world where humans coexist with ...

6.39 477