The film picks up four years after *Daisan Hikou Shoujotai*, focusing on the struggles of the once-thriving Musashino Animation (Musani) as it faces financial difficulties and a decline in morale. Wit...

7.48 7.66 308

In *Slam Dunk: Final Chapter*, the story revolves around Ichiro Mizusawa, a former player from Rukawa's junior high school, who is diagnosed with a debilitating leg condition. Desperate to play one la...

7.53 7.64 184

In this thrilling installment, Lucifer rises from his eternal slumber, his awakening orchestrated by the spirits of Eris, Abel, and Poseidon. With newfound power, he sets his sights on Athena, determi...

6.14 6.76 226

After successfully repelling the Neuroi invasion of Romagna and destroying their nest over Venezia, Yoshika Miyafuji returns to her hometown in the Empire of Fusou. Though she has lost her magical and...

7.42 7.58 267

This prequel to the TV anime series explores the "origin of the dream." It delves into the backstory and events leading up to the main narrative, revealing how key characters and elements came to be. ...

7.11 7.57 210

After a traumatic experience at a regional middle school concert band competition, euphonist Kumiko Oumae decides to leave music behind as she enters high school, seeking a fresh start. However, she s...

7.23 7.57 240

In 2026, four years after the notorious Sword Art Online incident, a groundbreaking technology called the Augma has been introduced. This device uses an Augmented Reality system, allowing players to e...

7.28 7.56 311

Years after the war against the Tokugawa Shogunate has ended, discontent simmers among those unhappy with the outcome. Shigure Takimi witnesses his friends and family fall in the pursuit of freedom an...

7.28 7.55 287

Following a crushing defeat to Kainan High, Team Shohoku, along with a newly shaven Hanamichi Sakuragi, is invited to an exhibition match by the relatively unknown Ryoukufu High. Coach Anzai views thi...

7.23 7.53 202

Shohoku, a high school basketball team, faces off against Tsukubu, a strong contender, during the Inter High Championships. Anzai, Shohoku’s coach, will face his former student, who is now Tsukubu�...

7.45 7.51 278

Kappa no Coo is a story about Kouichi Uehara, a fourth-grade student who finds a fossilized baby kappa named "Coo." They become friends, and Coo starts living with Kouichi's family. However, Coo strug...

7.35 7.50 239

The Emerald Department of Marukawa Publishing, a group of vibrant individuals, stands out even at their colleagues' wedding. Invited to provide entertainment, Masamune Takano, Ritsu Onodera, Yoshiyuki...

7.29 7.47 259