The slapstick romantic comedy follows Yūto Amakawa, a normal 16-year-old high school boy. He is protected by Himari, a beautiful, sword-wielding cat girl spirit. Yūto's family has a long history of ...
6.77 6.83 191The show centers on Oggy, a blue cat, who would prefer to spend his days contentedly watching television and eating - if not for the three roaches in the household: Joey, Dee Dee and Marky (named afte...
7.50 7.90 133Having a light novel author father and an eroge illustrator mother, Kanou Shinichi is a thoroughbred otaku. However he does not have any special power except for his broad knowledge, sharp insight, an...
7.10 6.80 111(English: Seraph of the End) One day, a mysterious virus appeared on Earth which killed every infected human over the age of 13. At the same time, vampires emerged from the world's dark recesses an...
6.60 7.70 111(Short for: OniAi) Himenokouji twins Akito and Akiko have finally reunited with each other after separation due to the death of their parents. After six years of living apart they suddenly began to...
7.40 6.30 102Out There follows the coming-of-age misadventures of socially awkward Chad, his younger brother Jay, and their best friend Chris as they navigate adolescence in the small town of Holford. Set against ...
6.90 7.40 12215th century Poland—a time when heretical ideas led those who possessed such a mindset to be burned at the stake for their beliefs. Rafał, a child prodigy, is expected to major in theology at unive...
6.78 7.69 106Oakie Doke is an energetic, friendly little fellow made of oak leaves, twigs and acorns. Always smiling and having fun, Oakie enjoys his role as Mr Fix-it and problem solver for all his woodland frien...
7.10 7.20 13Responding to a range of new dangers across our ever-changing planet, the Octonauts take their adventures beyond the sea and onto LAND! Enlisting their intrepid friends from around the globe as specia...
7.20 7.40 23