Chima is a land where anthropomorphic humanoids lived in peace with one another until heavily armed barbarian species caused a civil war with five factions formed: Lion, Eagle, Raven, Wolf, and Crocod...

6.80 7.90 108

Hip and edge animation that welcomes to a world of magic and imagination. With a little patience, determination and a flick of their magic wands, anything is possible....

7.00 7.40 113

Set in a contemporary world in an medieval kingdom, Long Live the Royals follows a fictional British Royal Family—King Rufus and Queen Eleanor and their children Peter, Rosalind, and Alex—as they ...

6.70 7.20 122

Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales began shortly after the Battle of Endor. C-3PO and R2-D2 tell those assembled around them about the story that led them both to the battle. According to The Hollywood Repor...

6.70 6.70 134

The series describes the adventures of five young knights: Aaron, Clay, Lance, Macy'a and Axl who protect Knighton from Jestro, the Book of Monsters and their army of lava monsters. They also help the...

7.80 6.10 118

The Laurel and Hardy Show is a series of short silent films which later led into talking short films and feature movies with the progression in sound technology. The show revolves around the duo getti...

8.00 6.90 111

The story kicks off with Anakin Skywalker and R2-D2 on a Separatist cruiser, having just completed a critical mission. As they attempt to escape in Anakin's Jedi starfighter, they come under attack fr...

6.60 7.80 120

Uranohoshi Girls' High School is a private institution located in the seaside neighborhood of Uchiura, Numazu city, Shizuoka prefecture. This small high school, situated in a corner of Suruga Bay, is ...

7.20 6.40 127

Jun Shirasaki and the Jinguuji sisters are childhood friends and neighbors. When Jun's first girlfriend, the older sister Rumi, breaks up with him, she says something that complicates the three people...

6.68 201

When sarcastic loner Haruka gets transported with his class to another world, he's not wild about adventuring, but he wouldn't mind having some cool powers. Unfortunately, he's last in line when the m...


The golden age has dawned for treasure hunters, who raid treasure vaults all over the world in search of glory, despite the dangers. Immeasurable wealth, fame, and power await those who prevail. "L...


Ryoka is awakened by flurry of text messages from her mother! Panicked and rushed, Mom is clearly concerned for Ryoka's safety, but she is not too keen on letting her daughter know why. Her reasoning ...

5.44 6.17 134