The series originated from a senior thesis project by creator Van Partible at Loyola Marymount University, centered around an Elvis Presley impersonator. This project, titled "Mess O' Blues" (1993), c...
7.60 7.30 119In this intriguing plot, Hoichiro Ohma appears to be a quiet and unassuming office worker, known for his humility, even to his girlfriend, Nanase. However, he harbors a dark secret: he is the Judge of...
7.50 7.10 77Mahiru Kouzuki, a skilled artist, gives up on her passion after her elementary school classmates ridicule her colorful jellyfish mural. Several years later, upon encountering an unexpected admirer in ...
7.80 76Jentry Chau, a Chinese-American teen living in a small Texas town, who finds out a demon king is hunting her for the supernatural powers she’s been working her whole life to repress. With the help o...
7.90 27