The Galactic Alliance of Humanity was established in the far future after humanity had colonized the stars. The Hideauze, an alien race that resembles a squid, and the Galactic Alliance are at war con...
7.30 7.46 542Numerous actual individuals from Japanese history are dramatized in Crimson Moon, which is set in Japan during the Heian period. This time, Garo is a young Japanese man named Raikou who must rely on h...
5.60 5.88 515Mendosa, the chief adviser of the king of Valiante, begins a campaign to hunt down “witches,” resulting in the deaths of many magical knights and their sorcerer assistants. Anna, a sorceress marri...
6.70 7.37 556The fictional Russell City, a thriving American metropolis modeled after New York City, is where Vanishing Line is situated in the modern period. This time, a powerful guy named Sword is carrying the ...
6.90 7.14 504Chris, the main character, is abruptly transported to Byston Well, a parallel realm, while his physical body stays in his own world. Chris' spiritual manifestation visits a different planet and finds ...
3.00 4.13 508The Gowa clan is trying to communicate with an organisation called Gasaraki. Bipedal fighting machines are being employed in battle for the first time in the background of this. The disputes that occu...
6.40 6.65 439Early in the 2015 summer, in the Japanese city of Tachikawa. Tachikawa, a "second city" of Tokyo, is guarded by the Gatchaman, warriors who engage in battle while wearing specially reinforced combat g...
6.80 7.30 519Tsubasa Misudachi's routine life is upended one day when a massive UFO spins above Japan and crashes into a remote countryside outside of Nagaoka. A friendly extraterrestrial creature emerges from the...
7.40 7.26 513The story takes place in 1969, when Japan is undergoing rapid economic and social development following the end of World War II in 1945. Unbeknownst to mankind, extraterrestrial/interdimensional creat...
6.60 6.93 463The Far Eastern Branch of AEGIS and the Invaders fought a war in Japan for 31 years. Up until the 1980s (when Hirohito's passing brought an end to the Shwa period), big corporations were thriving. The...
6.80 6.76 486