A family comedy about a young Prince, who sets on a mission to find a missing Princess from the neighborhood kingdom. Along the journey Prince meets a doopie dragon who joins him on a adventure, but P...
4.08 280Animal-inspired humanoid girls have adventures with their animal companions....
6.06 253Jabari, a charming, streetwear-clad artist on the cusp of real success. After a chance run-in with his cool new photographer neighbor, Meadow, Jabari has to figure out whether he can make space for lo...
7.04 170In 1928 London, milkman Ernest Briggs courts and marries housemaid Ethel; their son Raymond is born in 1934. When World War II breaks out Ethel tearfully allows him to be evacuated to aunts in Dorset ...
7.07 304On a vastly transformed Earth ten millenia in the future, the young air-surfer or "lifter" Renton joins a rebel group and befriends the pilot Eureka....
6.02 293The fate of the world is threatened by seemingly monstrous entities known as Angels. NERV is an organisation set up to counter this threat and it is up to young pilots to protect Earth but exactly wha...
7.05 313Under constant attack by Angels, NERV introduces two new pilots: the mysterious Makinami Mari Illustrous and the intense Asuka Langley Shikinami. Parallel to the incursion, Gendo Ikari and SEELE proce...
7.09 23814 years have passed since the near third impact. Most of the world has changed except Shinji Ikari who awakens, unaged in a new and strange environment. Misato has formed a group that is separate fro...
6.09 260Shinji Ikari is still adrift after losing his will to live, but the place he arrives at teaches him what it means to hope. Finally, the Instrumentality Project is set in motion and he will make one la...
8.00 67A film about two mortal enemies - a little Mouse and a Fox, who after an unfortunate accident, meet in animal heaven. They lose their natural instincts and become best friends. Their wish to stay toge...
6.07 261