In this charming retelling of the story of Adam and Eve, we experience the creation narrative from a delightful and unexpected perspective: that of a curious dog. Set in the lush and vibrant Garden of...

6.90 228

In this intense continuation of Afro's journey, we see him grapple with the consequences of his past and the weight of vengeance. Afro, known for his artistic skill in crafting wooden sculptures of hi...

7.10 268

In "Agent F.O.X.," the suave super spy finds himself in Carrot Town, a charming community populated by friendly rabbits. Tasked with a critical mission to locate a mysterious artifact rumored to be hi...

3.10 235

For centuries, the god Celestin has been imprisoned on the moon for betraying the kingdom of Yggdrasil. After being freed by the fairy Morgan Le Fey, Celestin heads to Earth to find his former pupil, ...

7.39 7.54 217

A film adaptation of the television series....

7.32 7.54 262

The anime follows Ichigo, a typical middle school student whose life changes dramatically when she enters the world of idols. The film focuses on Aikatsu!'s biggest concert to date, the Dai Star Miya ...

7.34 7.53 258

Kei, a high school student, is thrown into a world of unexpected horror when he discovers that he, along with at least forty-six others, has become immortal. Unfortunately, this extraordinary ability ...

7.11 7.43 195

Kei, a high school student, discovers he has immortality. However, his newfound ability is not seen as a blessing but as a threat. Both the public and governments consider him a rare specimen to be st...

7.14 7.22 215

In the technologically advanced Academy City, the long-awaited completion of the world's first space elevator, "Endymion," is imminent. Meanwhile, Touma Kamijou and his companion Index encounter Arisa...

7.15 7.42 334

A year can change a person's life forever. The 365 days Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High spent with their eccentric teacher, Koro-sensei, certainly did. Carrying the memories of that year close to...

7.25 7.35 238

Miyo Sasaki is an energetic high school girl who comes from a broken family consisting of her unconfident father and an overly invested stepmother, whose attempts at connecting with Miyo come across a...

7.12 7.34 285

Ant Island is a colony of ants led by the Queen and her daughter, Princess Atta. Every season, they are forced to give food to a gang of marauding grasshoppers led by Hopper. One day, when Flik, an in...

7.02 288