Dahlia in Bloom: Crafting a Fresh Start with Magical Tools is a Japanese light novel series written by Hisaya Amagishi and illustrated by Kei....

0 2024-07-01

Shoshimin: How to Be Ordinary is an anime series based on the novel series by Honobu Yonezawa and produced by Lapin Track. Released in 2024, the series follows the adventures of Jōgorō Kobato and Yu...

0 2024-07-03

Wistoria: Wand and Sword is a Japanese fantasy manga series set in 2024, written by Fujino Omori and illustrated by Toshi Aoi. The series is serialized in the shonen genre in Kodansha's Bessatsu Shōn...

0 2024-07-04

The Doomsday Clock is Ticking: Tasuketsu -Fate of the Majority- Enters the Anime World The year 2024 sees the emergence of a mysterious "Emperor" and a deadly game that is sweeping the globe. In th...

0 2024-07-02

Rick Gladiatol, a 30-year-old adventure enthusiast, decides to follow his dreams and begins training with Orichalcum Fist, the continent's most powerful party. Through ruthless training, Rick develops...

0 2024-07-01

Eva Nine is a 12-year-old girl raised by a robot named Muthr in an underground bunker called Sanctuary 573. This sanctuary is the last bastion of survivors after the destruction of Earth. One day the ...

0 2024-07-02

"The Strongest Magician in the Demon Lord's Army Was a Human" anime, which tells the story of Ike, who hides the fact that the strongest magician in the Demon Lord's army is a human, started this summ...

0 2024-07-02

From Office Worker to Adventurous Father: Takumi Kayano, the main character of the anime, is a young man living an ordinary office life. One day, he loses his life in an unfortunate accident. But f...

0 2024-07-04

Storyline: Takumi Kayano is an ordinary office worker. One day, she is accidentally killed by a god and sent to reincarnate in a new world. In this new world, Takumi encounters twin children named ...

0 2024-07-02

My Deer Friend Nokotan (Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan), written by Oshioshio and fascinating readers since 2019, continues to excite not only manga series but also anime lovers with its new season an...

0 2024-07-03

Oshioshio's beloved manga series My Deer Friend Nokotan (Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan) continues to excite fans with a new anime season and ongoing manga series....

0 2024-07-01

Fairy Tail: 100-Year Quest, the sequel to Hiro Mashima's beloved manga series Fairy Tail, has been thrilling fans of both manga and anime since 2021. After their victory against Acnologia, the Fairy T...

0 2024-07-03