"Arcane" Announces New Season: Riot Games and Netflix Expanding the Series Riot Games and Netflix have officially announced the upcoming new season of the critically acclaimed series Arcane. Fans c...
0 2024-11-01Cartoon Network's hit animated series Craig of the Creek is a series that brings back childhood memories and celebrates the power of imagination. Craig and his friends Kelsey and J.P. meet in the cree...
0 2024-08-11The animated Craig of the Creek is a hit with audiences, offering a story centered on childhood dreams, friendship and discovery. This colorful and entertaining series follows the magical adventures o...
0 2024-08-10The Magical Girl and the Evil Lieutenant Used to Be Archenemies is the story of two characters who leave old enmities behind and unite for a common cause. After years of fighting against each other, t...
0 2024-08-11The Magical Girl and the Evil Lieutenant Used to Be Archenemies is making waves in the anime world, offering viewers a unique story. The magical girl and the evil lieutenant, once enemies, now unexpec...
0 2024-08-10Pseudo Harem offers more than just an ordinary high school romance. The story begins with Nagisa assuming various characters to entertain Eiji, which leads Eiji into a pseudo harem. But each of these ...
0 2024-08-11The newly released anime series Pseudo Harem offers viewers a fun and funny romantic story. The story begins when high school student Eiji finds himself in a pseudo harem where his classmate Nagisa pl...
0 2024-08-10Tasuketsu -Fate of the Majority- is a dark anime series that takes viewers into the center of tough decisions, moral conflicts and the struggle for survival. The story begins with a group of people lo...
0 2024-08-10Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture allows us to rediscover the legendary Code Geass universe with new characters and plotlines. In this new series, we see a powerful character named Rozé lead the res...
0 2024-08-11Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture series has fans excited with its return to the original Code Geass universe. Set in the future, this new anime presents a new story of rebellion that carries the leg...
0 2024-08-10Filled with a fantastical world, magic and dragons, The Dragon Prince offers audiences a moving story of peace and friendship. Revolving around two young princes, Callum and Ezran, and an elven assass...
0 2024-08-11The Dragon Prince is an anime that immerses viewers in a fascinating fantasy world. Set in a universe full of magic, dragons and political intrigue, the story centers on the tension between humans and...
0 2024-08-10