The series focuses on Wheelie, a red Volkswagen Beetle, and his girlfriend Rota Ree (a pun on the "rotary engine"). Wheelie made his living as a professional- and quite successful- racing and stunt ca...
6.00 7.10 74Dinosaurs disappeared underground millions of years ago when "Getter Rays" suddenly descended upon Earth. They became enraged and resentful at the humans who replaced them on the surface after evolvin...
7.00 6.73 374Vicky, the son of Halvar, the leader of the Viking village of Flake, serves as the series' central figure. Vicky, who differs from his village brethren and most other lads his age in having a keen and...
7.10 6.64 836Megu-Chan chronicles the adventures of a strong (though reckless) young witch who travels to Earth to complete her introduction into society. Megu is a potential candidate for the Witch World's crown,...
7.20 6.80 421The story takes place in a futuristic city in the year 2074, where science has advanced rapidly and the Juralian aliens are preparing to conquer Earth. Ken Izumi, the main character, poses as Chargema...
5.60 4.64 530When Heidi is five years old, her stoic grandfather takes her to live with him in the Swiss Alps. Heidi had been nurtured by her aunt Dete since her parents' passing four years prior. Dete has a great...
7.50 7.33 532Disgusted by the city's anti-social Christmas cacophony, Harry and Tucker decide to ask Chester to come back to revive the holiday's true spirit. ...
6.02 169In a brief cameo, Lucy persuades Charlie Brown to kick her football by telling him it's a Thanksgiving custom. As usual, Lucy takes the ball away and says that some customs pass away. Charlie Brown...
7.70 419One day, a Catholic student named Honey Kisaragi will be trendy and a class-skipper. The next thing she knows, devilish women from the nefarious Panther Claw group had murdered her father. Honey uses ...
6.80 6.42 522Hiromi Oka, a high school student, struggles in the narrative to improve her tennis skills. Reika Ryzaki, an older girl who is the team's best player and is known as "Madame Butterfly" for her grace o...
7.10 7.07 758