On the planet Mars, an anthropomorphic race of mice passionate about motorsports thrived until they were nearly wiped out by the Plutarkians, an alien race of obese, foul-smelling humanoids who exploi...
8.00 7.10 88The series centers around Jack Tenrec and his team of ecological freedom fighters known as the "Mechanics." His often hesitant partner is Hannah Dundee, a foreign ambassador who enlists Jack as a liai...
6.00 6.80 87The series is set between 2119 and 2121 AD, several decades after humanity ("Terrans") has expanded beyond Earth by terraforming and colonizing Venus and Mars. These three planets, known as "the Homew...
6.00 6.90 51An updated version of the 1990s animated series featuring a trio of wacky characters causing mayhem on the Warner Bros. studio lot. ...
7.90 327The show follows the Lee brothers, who were separated at birth. Billy is raised by an elderly martial arts master known as the Oldest Dragon, while his brother Jimmy is brought up by the evil Shadow M...
7.50 7.70 84The story follows a young boy named Jim Hawkins who embarks on an adventure to discover a hidden treasure. ...
7.50 6.60 96Sonic the Hedgehog, a cocky, cheeky, but good-hearted teenage hedgehog with the ability to move at supersonic speeds, is the star of the comedic, lighthearted, and gag-driven adventure series Adventur...
6.20 415The show centers on the exploits of two unidentified dogs, neither of whom are particularly intellectual, as implied by the title. Compared to the Little Dog, the Big Dog tends to talk a lot less. The...
7.20 364A new take on the classic Secret Squirrel series, this incarnation takes Secret and Morocco Mole through a series of adventures fighting villains, ranging from a Queen Bee to a Quark. Secret and Moroc...
8.00 6.30 83When genius robot technician Ziv "ZZ" Zulander discovers that his employers (RM Corps) have designs on world domination, he quits and tries to warn people about them. Branded an outlaw by their powerf...
6.30 7.20 74In the not too distant future, the Japanese Self-Defense Force makes the decision to hand over control (and funding) of their air force to business entities and investors. Most people dismiss the idea...
7.40 5.76 472