Seven high schools—Nanyo Academy, Kyosho Academy, Seito Academy, Yoshu Academy, Rakuyo High School, Gogun High School, and Yoshu Private School—engage in a turf battle for dominance in the Kant ar...
6.00 6.40 446Teen Titans is an animated series based on the DC Comics superhero team of the same name, primarily drawing from the early 1980s The New Teen Titans comic book series by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez...
7.00 6.30 110Three high school kids named Maiku Kamishiro, Karen Onodera, and Miina Miyafuji are the subjects of the story Please Twins! A picture of each person's childhood home brought the three together, and th...
6.40 6.83 430"Green Green" is an anime series based on the Japanese adult visual novel of the same name. The story revolves around the interactions between students from an all-boys school, Kanenone Academy, and a...
5.80 6.16 468Animated show on Showtime. Lasted one season. About a college guy, his friend who won a lawsuit, his friend's ferret, his friend who he wants more than a friend, his grandma, and his dad....
8.00 6.20 79Shiina Tamai, a 12-year-old girl, is the series' main character. She develops a bond with a "dragonchild" (baby "shadow dragon") in the form of a starfish, which she names Hoshimaru. The relationship ...
6.30 6.00 440Rumic World TV (2003) consists of thirteen independent series based on short stories from 1987-2000 by Takahashi Rumiko. The episode order is not sorted based on the year the story was written. For ex...
7.50 7.13 430Dokkoida?! is an anime series based on the light novel "Sumeba Miyako no Cosmos-sou Suttoko Taisen Dokkoida" by Taro Achi. The story revolves around a regular guy named Suzuo Sakurazaki who ends up be...
7.40 6.81 438The blooms blossom each year. A mysterious island with a crescent form covered in cherry blossoms. The island in question is Hatsune's island. Asakura Junnichi, the main character who attends Kazami A...
6.20 6.73 527The story of Happy Lesson revolves around five teachers who find themselves sharing a home with a disturbed and uncaring orphan and their unusual plan to take on the role of mother figures to help him...
6.40 6.79 386In the future, "inflation gates" that pass via a parallel reality are used for interstellar travel. Unfortunately, "ghouls," inhabitants of a different universe, wish to enter ours through the same po...
5.90 5.93 496Gary "The Rat" Andrews is a self-centered, misanthropic defense attorney who awakens one morning to find that he has somehow transformed into a giant bipedal rat. Gary struggles to deal with his trans...
6.40 7.10 89