Doctor Black Jack has a murky, enigmatic past and is "unregistered." He deals with unusual medical issues, which can be weird, dangerous, or not known at all, with the help of his young helper Pinoko,...

7.59 418

"Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny" is the sequel to "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED," part of the sprawling Gundam franchise. The series takes place two years after the end of the Bloody Valentine War depicte...

7.10 7.19 503

Seven bisque dolls electrified and given intelligence by a gem called Rosa Mystica were made in the 20th century by the renowned doll manufacturer Rozen. Phase 2 Since then, Rozen has dispatched the d...

6.90 7.41 440

"Zipang" is a military-themed anime series that aired from 2004 to 2005, based on a manga of the same name by Kaiji Kawaguchi. The story revolves around the modern Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force...

7.50 7.49 316

While growing up, Ichinomiya Kantarou, who had the gift of seeing demons, was teased and bullied by people who did not have it. Instead, he grew close to the demons and developed a strong affinity to ...

7.10 7.21 332

Japan has been transformed to a desert as a result of an implied global nuclear catastrophe ("The Great Kanto Desert"), and the humans who have survived look for a fragile life among the burning sands...

7.20 7.40 470

The anime takes place in the year 5053, during a conflict between the planet Earth and the Eastern Empire, which is ruled by aliens. The Count of Monte Cristo is a mysterious self-made nobleman whom V...

7.90 8.15 373

The siblings Takane Kiku and Takane Ryuji aspire for the boxing world championship in order to fulfill their deceased father's ambition. While her brother, Ryuji, will focus on playing the part of the...

7.10 6.37 475

Ten years after a significant event, a teenage boy named Yuuki Judai enrolls in a prestigious Duelist school located on a remote island. He befriends and rivals other students while striving to prove ...

6.80 107

Yu-Gi-Oh! takes place ten years after the events of the original. A young child named Jaden Yuki (Judai Yuki), who attends Duel Academy, a school established by Seto Kaiba where aspirant duelists rece...

8.30 7.18 622

Nozomu Futami returns to the place where he was born and nurtured at the start of the narrative. He settles close to a shrine that contains a fabled stone that is said to have been the spot where twin...

5.90 6.45 432