A twelve-year-old earl named Ciel Phantomhive resides in Victorian-era London. He was appointed to this position as a result of the attack and burning of the Phantomhive Manor on his tenth birthday, o...
7.70 7.68 516"Casshern Sins" is an anime series that serves as a reboot of the classic anime series "Neo-Human Casshern." The story is set in a post-apocalyptic world where robots subjugate the Earth under the rul...
7.00 7.51 445Ouri Kagami is used to seeing corpses because she lives at a shrine with other orphans. But he can't help but be horrified when he witnesses Keisei Tagami, the sponsor of his orphanage, seemingly resu...
6.80 7.21 468Abby aspires to star in her own fairy tale very much. Abby's wish piques Elmo's interest, and he tells her the "Alice in Wonderland" tale. For a brief moment, Abby nods off. When she awakens, she disc...
7.00 348Chuggington is a charming animated series centered around six young anthropomorphic locomotives—Koko, Wilson, Brewster, Hoot, Toot, and Piper—collectively known as "Trainees." Set in the vibrant f...
5.90 258The tale is set in Victorian-era Britain and centers on the exploits of Lydia Carlton, a 17-year-old known as the "Fairy Doctor" for her knowledge and fascination with fairies. When she encounters Edg...
6.60 7.22 850"The Life & Times of Tim" is an animated series that follows the misadventures of a young man named Tim, who constantly struggles to get ahead in life. Despite being an average guy who tries to make t...
7.00 6.30 71Toppa Bashin, an enthusiastic and thrill-seeking sixth grader, is focused solely on the card game Battle Spirits. To the dismay of his peers, Bashin enters school every day with excitement—not for a...
6.35 547The television program is based on a comic strip of the same name and features Joe Larsen, his wife Liz, their three children—Tracy, Zelda, and Nicholas—and their family dog, Bob. The show's humor...
7.70 316A genius inventor's world threatens to fly apart at the seams. His son, who has electricity crackling through his veins due to an accident in his father's laboratory, discovers the truth about his fat...
5.05 226