Two pupils from St. Cherine Academy are Haruka Minzuki and Aoi Kannazuki. Despite their differences, Haruka and Aoi are the best of friends. While Aoi is more mature and consistently achieves high mar...

6.05 453

The plot is set around the end of the 19th century, as Westerners start to become more interested in Japanese culture. Young Japanese girl Yune volunteers to work at the family's ironwork shop in Pari...

7.60 7.42 531

The legendary youkai Nurarihyon, master of a "Night Parade of One Hundred Demons," fell in love with a human woman a long time before Rikuo Nura was born. Despite the early euphoria shared by the two,...

7.40 7.95 457

"Uta no Prince-sama" is a popular anime series that combines elements of romance, music, and idol culture. The story revolves around a young aspiring composer named Haruka Nanami, who enrolls in the p...

6.50 7.03 376

Alma Tandoji has a solitary existence. A girl named Ruri Alba pays him a visit one day, accompanied by her butler and maids. She wants him to lend her his skills since she is aware that Alma possesses...

5.90 6.59 490

Narumi Fujishima is a high school student who doesn't participate in school activities to the extent that he doesn't know the names of most of his classmates. He is required to work with Ayaka Shinoza...

6.60 7.50 463

Subaru Hasegawa aspires to rank among the greatest basketball stars of all time. But when his school's basketball team suspends play for a year, things seem to come to an end. He decides to discontinu...

5.80 6.78 419

Blade, the "Daywalker" vampire hunter with a unique blend of human and vampire blood, embarks on a mission in Japan. During his journey, he confronts Deacon Frost, the vampire responsible for his moth...

7.00 7.20 88

"Double-J" is a comedy anime series that aired in 2011 as part of the Yuruani? programming block on NHK. The anime is based on a manga written by Eiji Nonaka (the author of "Cromartie High School")...

6.40 5.47 408

A movie adaptation of the Sora no Otoshimono manga, focusing on the arc of Kazane Hiyori....

7.32 7.54 258

In a futuristic Tokyo, unique human beings who have awakened distinct powers are being hunted by a secret organization named Custos. Known as "Attractors", these exceptional humans are joining forces ...

7.80 6.50 82

**Plot Summary**: Golion, a powerful sentient robot, becomes notorious for his brutality against creatures known as the Deathblack Beastmen, declaring himself invincible. As punishment for his arrogan...

7.70 6.60 110