The series centers on a young boy named Ray, who has the unique ability to form friendships with and battle alongside fantastical creatures from a parallel dimension. As evil forces seek to enslave th...
7.10 7.40 83Gamilas, an alien race, first contacted Earth in 2191. When the first attempt at peaceful communication with the Gamilas was unsuccessful, intergalactic conflict ensued. Even though it was outmatched ...
8.20 8.34 420PES: Peace Eco Smile, a new web promotional anime series, is the result of a partnership between the Japanese carmaker and the Japanese animation studio Studio 4°C. It centers on PES, a space travele...
5.58 481"Detective Conan," also known as "Case Closed," is a popular Japanese manga and anime series that has spawned a multitude of spin-offs, including movies, TV specials, and Original Video Animations (OV...
8.50 7.02 514Beck is a young program who rises to become the skilled leader of a revolution within the computer world known as The Grid. His mission is to liberate his home and friends from the oppressive rule of ...
7.50 7.00 79It's Time for Adventure! The inaugural collection from the new hit series where wild escapades happen quickly! Set in the remarkable world behind the Tickety Toc Clock, Chime Time Adventures follows t...
7.10 7.10 83Following the death of her father Kazuo, Momo Miyaura and her mother Ikuko travel from Tokyo to the Seto Inland Sea. Momo carries Kazuo's unfinished letter, which contains only the words "Dear Momo". ...
7.02 163The narrative starts after the Holy Road soccer tournament has concluded. Returning to Raimon Junior High, Tenma discovers that circumstances have changed. There are no soccer players on the Raimon so...
7.10 7.21 494During a J. League soccer match at Touto Stadium, Detective Kogorou Mouri receives a bomb threat accompanied by a riddle hinting at its location. With the safety of the fans at stake, Conan Edogawa mu...
7.65 7.70 263