The series follows Wander, an overly-optimistic intergalactic traveler and his steed Sylvia traveling from planet to planet helping people have fun and live free, all against Lord Hater and his army o...
6.50 6.60 87Emmy Award-winning television writer and creator Damon Lindelof teams up with legendary artist Leinil Francis Yu and Dave McCaig to bring to life the highly popular comic book series: Ultimate Wolveri...
6.70 7.70 93It takes place sometime after its predecessor. Four new Shen Gong Wu, like in the first series' first season will have been activated, forcing the four Xiaolin Dragons to split up once again and find ...
7.70 6.90 83Mr. Pickles is a demonic border collie dog owned by the Goodman family, who live in the sleepy, traditional neighborhood of Old Town with their naive 6-year-old son Tommy. While Tommy, the Pickles fam...
6.00 6.20 85Chizuru Yukimura arrives in Edo-period Kyoto seeking her missing father and witnesses a brutal murder committed by deranged Shinsengumi members, the shogunate's secret police and supposed guardians of...
6.04 247Disguised as a boy, Chizuru Yukimura embarks on a brave journey to Kyoto, driven by the hope of finding her missing father, Koudou, a skilled medical doctor. The bustling capital, however, is fraught ...
7.44 7.60 284Before Ian and Anthony were stupid adults, they were even stupider babies. ...
7.70 6.40 79Based on the promotional image, the series will contain the characters Green Hulk, Red Hulk, She-Hulk, Skaar, and A-Bomb....
6.10 6.60 90Three nerdy kids and a simple football linebacker on a fantastic uncharted island. The tween castaways must use nothing but their smarts to survive the relentless attacks by the island's inhabitants -...
6.50 7.90 82This series brings to television the hysterical physical comedy that is the hallmark in Ubisofts wildly successful Rabbids video games. Irreverent, unpredictable and silly, the Rabbids are a mysteriou...
7.90 7.50 89