This anime version of Moyoco Anno's debut essay manga, Kantoku Fuyuki Todoki (Insufficient Direction), the "queen of the manga world," is available. She lives an ordinary married "otaku lifestyle" wit...
5.10 5.91 548Alka is an assassin for the Clan of the Sword. She’s on a journey to find the woman Jin Valel, who killed her master Hon without feeling—not unlike how Alka has learned to kill in her work as an a...
6.00 6.05 518Kazunari Usa, a high school freshman, will begin living alone because his parents are now employed elsewhere. He anticipates being able to enjoy his teenage years without having to worry about interac...
7.30 7.68 512With help from Japanese professor Nozomu Akatsuki, Tony Stark, aka Iron Man develops a new device called the Digital Identity Securement Kit, known as DISKs for short, designed to help the cause of st...
6.10 6.50 89Iron Man creates a new gadget called the Digital Identity Securement Kit, or DISKs for short, with assistance from Dr. Nozomu Akatsuki of Japan. DISKs are intended to aid in the cause of apprehending ...
4.50 5.79 839Anime adaption of the online card game Majin Bone. The universe's creator, Majin, has been revived in the present. Shougo Ryuujin, a common high school student who uses the Bone Card to turn into t...
7.20 6.62 490Gudetama is an egg characterized by a lack of motivation and complete detachment from the world around it. It remains indifferent to how it is prepared or cooked. ...
7.04 340Created for the miso paste producer Marukome Co., Ltd., these short stories depict the touching and emotional moments of everyday family life. ...
6.73 248Makoto Kubota was an aimless wanderer who didn't take himself or life too seriously. Yakuza fights, mahjong, and killings kept him happily occupied as the leader of the Izumo Group's teenage gang. Up ...
6.10 6.21 351"Witch Craft Works" is an anime series based on the manga of the same name by Ryū Mizunagi. It takes place in a world where magic and witches exist, and follows the story of a high school student nam...
6.73 365