A promotional anime made with Tezuka Productions and Kanagawa's Industrial Labor Bureau to showcase a future where there is harmony between humans and robots. ...
6.15 466"Usakame" is a comedy anime series that serves as a spin-off of the popular manga and anime franchise "Teekyuu." The series follows the daily lives and comical antics of four high school girls who are...
5.40 5.77 301The charming members of the student council at Ousui Academy adore spending time with their infatuation, Kouki Narumi. The student council, which is made up of the mischievous Mihiro Miyase, Toa Na...
4.10 5.39 372Youko Nishikawa tries to shed her princess-like persona and establish friends at her all-girls high school after going from being pampered to impoverished as a result of the bankruptcy of her father's...
7.30 7.10 424Youko Nishikawa tries to shed her princess-like persona and establish friends at her all-girls high school after going from being pampered to impoverished as a result of the bankruptcy of her father's...
7.30 7.10 393Titans from outer space, creatures from a mythical realm, ghosts and goblins from the past, cyborgs made by scientists, and artifacts that sprang from the ruins of old civilizations are some of the cr...
6.30 7.01 491In the witches’ tradition, when a practitioner turns 15, they must become independent and leave their home to study witchcraft. Makoto Kowata is one such apprentice witch who leaves her parents’ h...
7.20 7.51 539Agetarou Katsumata, whose family operates a tiny tonkatsu store in Shibuya, aspires to be a professional DJ by night and a tonkatsu chef by day. Agetarou delivers an order to a staff member at a ni...
7.50 7.13 429The narrative centers on Akeno Misaki, a young woman who enrolls in Yokosuka Girls' Marine High School in Yokosuka, Kanagawa, in an effort to join the prestigious Blue Mermaids. Akeno and her students...
7.20 7.30 491Tanaka, a high school student, considers being listless to be a way of life. Tanaka prays that every day would be as boring as the last, trying to maintain his lazy lifestyle by avoiding events that c...
7.50 7.85 425The protagonist of the tale is the hugely popular Sakamoto, a brilliant young guy who is adored by all of the other students and teachers at his high school (except for Kakuta) for his coolness. Sakam...
7.20 7.56 467