The second series and sixth season of the anime "Future Card Buddyfight Ace," which follows a fresh cast of characters and is based on the card game of the same name, debuted on June 2, 2018. The stor...
6.90 6.72 510The son of legendary baseball player Gorou Shigeno, Daigo, is under pressure to live up to his father's reputation by developing into an all-star player. When he enters the fourth grade, he immediatel...
7.80 7.41 467The Nobunaga no Shinobi series is on its third season. ...
7.60 7.07 609Although his lover Non "Nontan" Katagiri is aware of his harsh treatment of her, Atsuhiro "Akkun" Kagari secretly harbors feelings for her. He frequently stalks her and keeps an eye on her. Their inte...
6.60 6.84 475Inazuma Eleven, the soccer squad of Raimon Middle School, battles to stay together after being on the edge of disbanding as other schools in Japan compete for the title of having the finest soccer tea...
6.60 6.68 462Nitta, a yakuza member, receives a bizarre thing as a head injury one night. There is a strange young woman named Hina inside the box. She possesses amazing supernatural abilities, and Nitta is forced...
7.90 8.15 414The show is set in an alternate universe and is primarily set in the city of Eridana, whose territory is divided equally between the Lapetodes Seven Cities Alliance and the Tseberun Dragon Empire. The...
6.10 5.79 459The plot centers on a man (only identified by the ring moniker Junk Dog) who competes in pre-arranged contests in fight clubs that are situated in the Restricted Area. He nearly collides with Yukiko S...
7.80 7.89 521Mitsuyoshi Tada has never really worried about love, and when the aspiring photographer starts his second year of high school, he couldn't be more unconcerned about it. However, after he encounters Te...
7.10 7.57 466Aine Yki, a regular student in the normal division of Star Harmony Academy, encounters Mio Minato from the idol division, who encourages her to join Aikatsu to help her achieve her objective of making...
8.20 7.19 510