"Welcome to Japari Park" (also known as "Youkoso Japari Park") is an anime series that serves as a spin-off of the popular multimedia franchise "Kemono Friends." The series takes place in Japari Pa...
5.89 508Gouki Zenjo, former right-hand man to Jin Habari and a survivor of the Kagutsu Incident, returns to work for SCEPTER 4, now under the command of Reisi Munakata, the new Blue King....
7.17 7.30 164Class 1-A at U.A. High School has started their summer break. Izuku Midoriya joins his mentor, All Might, at a superhero festival on I-Island, a secluded location focused on researching Quirks and her...
7.34 7.54 230Do you suffer from unwelcome spirit possession? Do you need to send a ghost up into the sky or down to burn forever? If the answer is yes, then you require magic law experts Muhyo and Roji. Their area...
7.10 6.71 432Do you suffer from unwelcome spirit possession? Do you need to send a ghost up into the sky or down to burn forever? If the answer is yes, then you require magic law experts Muhyo and Roji. Their area...
7.10 6.71 485A beauty blogger has been placed in a virtual reality game where she must maintain her composure during a catfight in a bedroom. How then? She receives a variety of cosmetics that she can use to arm h...
6.69 461The Fukagawa ward of old Edo serves as the series' setting during the Edo era (present-day Tokyo). Residents rent commonplace items like pots, futons, and clothing from stores instead of buying them b...
6.90 6.69 455The journey to the West was a conspiracy of heaven! After Sutra went missing for more than a decade, Heaven sent its army to search, in order not to let the Sutra once again fall into the hands of hea...
6.69 497