The story focuses on the Holy Grail War and explores the relationship between Shirou Emiya and Sakura Matou, two teenagers participating in this conflict. The story continues immediately from Fate/sta...

8.00 229

A violent interdimensional race known as the Disas first came three years ago, destroying everything in their path on Earth. Humanity's sole chance of surviving depended on those who transformed into ...

6.40 6.33 496

Insanely in love with his teacher Hina, Natsuo Fujii. He accepts a mixer in an effort to move on. Rui Tachibana, a strange female he meets there, asks him to leave incognito. She brings him to her hom...

6.80 6.69 803

the sparkling spotlights The glittering, fluffy, adorable attire. the endearing voices while dancing and beaming. These would be the idols of the mermaids who swim and dance freely beneath the bright ...

5.48 524

Futaro Uesugi, a talented academic student in high school, has a challenging existence because his mother passed away, he doesn't have any friends, and his father is heavily in debt. When the wealt...

7.70 7.89 480

Despite being an excellent high school student, Fuutarou Uesugi had a difficult life. He has no friends because of his distant attitude and reclusive lifestyle, and his family is struggling to make en...

7.70 7.68 482

Xiao-Bai, a white snake demon, is sent to kill a Taoist advisor who is killing snakes. She is attacked and defeated, but her hairpin saves her life. She wakes up in a village and meets Xu Xuan, who sa...

7.17 7.41 160

Five people will face powerful foes in this prophecy, and only you can keep everyone safe. Second-year high school student Daisuke Dojima was kidnapped when he was a child. Along with his childhood bu...

5.90 6.03 384

A YouTuber who presents oneself as an animated character while concealing their real appearance and still entertaining viewers is known as a "Virtual YouTuber," or VTuber. The VTubers in Virtual-san w...

5.30 384

A live meteorite dubbed Spudio the 22nd transports four high school pupils and their teacher to a strange dimension where they must answer Sphinx riddles. The Sphinxes climb dimensions and destroy the...

5.00 5.10 509

The enigmatic "armed gang" known as the Zai has attacked Earth with weaponry that is extraordinarily highly developed and far more powerful than any Terran military equipment. When Shanghai is attacke...

6.30 6.16 525