An action-adventure comedy that follows the adventures of feisty and resourceful 10-year-old Molly Mabray, an Alaska Native girl, her dog Suki, and friends Tooey and Trini on their adventures in epica...
8.80 311The three yokai (supernatural creatures) Bem, Bela, and Belo, who travel to a huge coastal city, encounter an awful atmosphere that has been produced on by immoral human behavior and mischief committe...
5.90 6.05 395The imaginary city of Orario is the setting for the narrative. The city is home to some gods who, in search of adventure, decided to curtail their heavenly abilities in order to share in the struggles...
7.40 7.23 481"Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II", also known as "Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? II" or "DanMachi II", is the second season of the "DanMachi" anime serie...
6.80 7.23 388In the Academy City espers are split up into six levels. Where a Level 0 esper holds no power and a Level 5 has the most power. There are several million espers living in the Academy City and only 7 o...
6.90 7.20 623Yuuko Yoshida, a high school girl, wakes up with monster horns and a tail after having an odd dream about an enigmatic ancestor. Her mother tells her a terrible family secret while she is dazed and co...
6.90 7.65 438Two typical high school students who also happened to be childhood friends are Taichi Nishimura and Rin Azuma. When a magic circle appears beneath their feet while they are walking to school, Taichi a...
5.40 5.44 532Megahit humor manga based in the setting of Isekai That Time I Was a Slime in a Previous Life! In this funny spinoff series, you'll learn more about Rimuru's and other characters' daily lives. ...
8.20 7.49 469Included in the set is the manga Majimoji Rurumo: Houkago no Mahou Chuugakusei's ninth limited edition volume. ...
7.40 499