This is a comedy that revolves around a lion, a lizard and a toucan. They live in a capitalist world and they are office co-workers in Japan. They also have their own problems as they are not living i...

6.60 6.56 581

Retsuko is an accounter in her dream company. He is a 25 year old panda! However, it turns out that her superiors gives her more and more impossible to make tasks everyday. She never talks back to the...

8.00 7.65 1246

Futaba Igarashi, a lanky office worker who frequently gets mistaken for a youngster, gripes about her large and loud coworker Harumi Takeda all the time. However, Futaba's acquaintances and coworkers ...

7.40 7.66 494

Najimu Mujina, the president of Mujina Company, is a fairly typical 5-year-old girl. She is neither an original adult nor endowed with a brilliant mind. The president enters the world every day, accom...

6.90 6.60 460

Working!! is an anime series adapted from the manga of the same name by Karino Takatsu. It follows the story of a high school student named Souta Takanashi, who begins working at a family restaurant c...

7.30 7.81 440

A TV anime remake of the World Fool News ONA. Takahashi is transferred to a main anchor of a news program, which is known for being a little...weird. This is a comedy about somewhat ridiculous happen...

5.84 381

World Fool News is an anime series that revolves around the world of news reporting and satire. The story takes place in a fictional world where nations and organizations are represented by anthropomo...

5.49 451

The vivacious Narumi Momose finds herself late for her first day of work at a new office after snoozing all four of her alarms. She makes a commitment to herself as she runs to catch her train that sh...

7.50 7.95 526

"Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku" is an anime series based on the manga of the same name by Fujita. The story revolves around the lives of Narumi Momose and Hirotaka Nifuji, two office workers who are...

7.94 500

At Higashizaka High School, Daisuke Higashida is a serious first-year student. Even though he is dissatisfied with his family, who doesn't laugh at all and wears him out, he leads a quiet everyday lif...

6.80 7.42 435

Hime Shiraki seems destined for success, boasting excellent grades, a pristine reputation, and a cute appearance. Her dream of becoming the adored trophy wife of a billionaire hinges on her ability to...

6.40 6.71 567

The Demon Lord Satan commands a vast demon army, instilling fear in the hearts of humanity as he launches his campaign to conquer Ente Isla. However, his plans are thwarted by Emilia, the protagonist,...

7.50 550