In the post-apocalyptic world of Basara, a line of corrupt and repressive Saffron Clan lords have ruled over Japan. The present one is the Golden Emperor, a ruler who has slaughtered the majority of h...

7.30 7.27 597

"Onikirimaru" or "Ogre Slayer" is a supernatural horror anime OVA series based on the manga by Kei Kusunoki. The series was released from 1994 to 1995. The series follows the protagonist, known o...

6.90 6.20 413

In this intriguing plot, Hoichiro Ohma appears to be a quiet and unassuming office worker, known for his humility, even to his girlfriend, Nanase. However, he harbors a dark secret: he is the Judge of...

7.50 7.10 77