Mysteria Academy is a prestigious magic school that teaches magic without discrimination to the three factions (men, gods, demons), who usually are engaged in battle with each other. Two of the academ...

5.40 6.66 564

A prominent magic academy, Mysteria Academy teaches magic to all three factions—men, gods, and demons—without preference. These three groups frequently engage in conflict with one another. Anne, a...

5.40 6.66 574

A man named Yuuki collapses to the ground in the continent of Astraea with no memories at all. He is found by an elf by the name of Kokkoro, who introduces herself as their guide through the area they...

6.40 7.05 483

It's time to reveal a brand-new Cinderella Girls tale! Young producers and diligent women team up to reach the top and become the next big idol! These striving stars have a lot to deal with between th...

7.70 7.60 572