"Moeyo Ken" is an anime series based on the game of the same name. Set in an alternate version of the Meiji era where humans and non-humans coexist, the story follows three beautiful female warriors�...

6.30 6.16 490

A boy named Kenji and his childhood companion Nanami are the subjects of Lamune's tale. Despite the fact that everyone seems to be aware of their relationship, neither of them is eager to push it any ...

6.50 6.80 454

On his way home, a young man approaches a pet store and, on a whim, buys a kappa he sees in the display. He names the creature Kaatan and brings him home. Because he has never owned a kappa before, he...

6.20 543

Since ancient times, the Imperial Seal has been handed down down the generations. It bestows enormous strength upon the warriors it selects. The tale of the warriors is told here. Civil conflict an...

6.29 557

This series consists of two distinct storylines with a few characters in common. In the opening tale, Omoide no Kanata e, Shogo and Neo are the main characters. One day Kanata, Shogo's ex-girlfriend, ...

6.16 479

Makimura Koutarou has made up his mind that he will proclaim his love to the distant Serizawa Kaho over the summer break. But the night before, he encounters a strange girl, and this meeting sends him...

5.60 6.47 506

All otaku, Sakura Nankyoku. She unexpectedly wins the election for president of the student council for her class. From there, things spiral out of control into a series of absurd misadventures center...

6.71 508

Aizawa Ryota was enrolled in the third grade of Central Military Academy's preparation program. He traveled to the space station Aries in AD 2045 for training alongside his classmates Nagase Saka and ...

6.10 6.10 475

Twin sister Senna is the sister of the main character Junna. He attends a top school as an average student. However, he had lost his parents and his memory in the past due to a car accident. Despite b...

3.70 6.15 475

The omake content for "W: Wish" consists of short comedic skits or light-hearted bonus episodes that provide additional humor or character interactions outside of the main storyline. These extras off...

5.28 522