The main character of the anime is a boy named Kouta Kouka (Kouka Kouta in Japanese name order, an apparent wordplay on Coca-Cola). In the virtual Drink Planet's Bottle Battles, Kouta aspires to be th...

5.53 534

Kai Ichinose, a young man who spends his days in the red light district but sneaks away at night to play the piano in the forest, is the protagonist of the story Forest of Piano. Kai's kindergartener ...

7.20 7.31 509

The main character of the anime is a boy named Kouta Kouka (Kouka Kouta in Japanese name order, an apparent wordplay on Coca-Cola). In the virtual Drink Planet's Bottle Battles, Kouta aspires to be th...

5.48 472

The story follows Hanabi, Versus and Thunder, three Pachinko machines, in the guise of young women. ...

6.12 714

The reputation of Tooru Kirishima is well-known across the criminal underworld. He is best renowned for being "The Demon of Sakuragi," a man who will use force if it is required. In order to teach Too...

7.50 7.77 567

A peaceful story involving two boys with quite different upbringings. On the one side, there is Kai, a prostitute's kid who has played an abandoned piano in a nearby woodland since he was a tiny child...

7.20 7.31 468

Iko, a third grader, lives with his four older brothers in an old house in Tateyama. Iko's family has no parents, and according to his older brothers, their mother works in Tokyo. Despite being a bit ...