A 10-year-old boy named Tom and his family's problems are the subject of the story. His older sister Cindy (14), who has a problem with every boy she sees, his toad "His Highness," his evil maternal a...

6.70 422

This animated comedy, which is set in the New York City borough of Manhattan, centers on a Chinese-American child named Jake Long (voiced by Dante Basco), who must strike a balance between normal adol...

6.60 345

The show follows the exploits of Anne Boonchuy, a strong, daring, and independent Thai-American teenager. As punishment for breaking into a mysterious music box known as the Calamity Box on her 13th b...

8.30 204

The characters in the unique city of Big Hero 6 get their own series, packed with adventures. The all-new series of healthcare capers returns to the fantastical city of San Fransokyo where the affa...

7.10 332

Bill Green, along with his two children, Cricket and Tilly, loses his farm in the town of Smalton and moves in with his mother Alice Green (Gramma) who lives in a small farm in the middle of Big City....

7.40 587

The series takes place after the events of the film Big Hero 6 (2014) and follows the exploits of 14-year-old tech genius Hiro Hamada and his kind, cutting-edge robot Baymax, which was created by his ...

7.20 308

The series tracks the exploits of Billy Dilley, a seventh-grade student who is passionate about science, and his laboratory mates Zeke and Marsha, as well as his pet rodent Anaximander. During their s...

3.20 337

When two spoiled pets—a dog named Brandy and a rabbit named Mr. Whiskers—fall out of an airplane and end up stranded in the Amazon rainforest (most likely in Brazil), they must work together to ov...

6.30 304

The future is where Buzz Lightyear of Star Command takes place. The Galactic Alliance, a peaceful union of different planets that is home to many alien races that coexist peacefully, is led by Capital...

6.60 406

Lightning McQueen and his best friend Mater set out on a cross-country road trip across America some time after the events of Cars 3 (2017) in order to attend Mater's sister Mato's wedding. They encou...

7.00 408

The exploits of "chibi" versions of Disney characters who exist in their own universe are the focus of the television series. The episodes include a number of Chibi Tiny Tales shorts that are hosted b...

6.40 306

The three main characters of the show are Lucky, the TV-obsessed leader and unorthodox hero, Rolly, the obese, happy, laid-back, and perpetually ravenous brother, and Cadpig, the strange but endearing...

6.10 399