Hinako, who was raised as an orphan, is astonished to discover that she has a twin brother named Hikaru who is older than her. At Shishiku Academy, an all-boys school overrun with Japan's hardest offe...

6.60 6.44 549

An original television series called Urawa no Usagi-chan follows the daily activities of eight junior high school students in the Urawa district of Saitama Prefecture. Watch the personalities of Usagi...

5.00 5.37 416

Alyssa, a solitary witch dwelling in the depths of the forest, stumbles upon a human infant one fateful day. Despite her initial bewilderment, Alyssa bestows upon the child the name Viola and makes th...

6.60 6.66 638

Alyssa, a witch who lives alone in the forest, picks up a human baby one day. Despite her confusion, Alyssa named the baby Viola and decided to raise her. 16 years later, Viola had not only grown into...

6.70 6.41 495