In the not too distant future, a disease known as "Cagaster" emerged. It transforms people into insects. The story starts in 2125, 30 years after the sickness first appeared. It chronicles the exploit...

6.10 6.48 684

Unidentified gamer wakes up with the avatar body and armor he was using while playing online. He is startled to learn that he resembles a skeleton when he sees his reflection in a river because of the...

6.80 7.21 454

Koguma, a girl without parents, interests, or friends, is the primary character. Koguma makes the decision to get a motorized bike while riding her city bike to school one day. She then decides to vis...

7.30 7.43 492

After Kamen Rider W Returns: Kamen Rider Accel, two years after the conclusion of the main TV series, Shotaro Hidari, a private eye employed by Narumi Detective Agency, and his partner Raito "Philip" ...

8.20 7.64 791

Unidentified gamer wakes up with the avatar body and armor he was using while playing online. He is startled to learn that he resembles a skeleton when he sees his reflection in a river because of the...

6.90 7.21 594

In the not too distant future, a disease known as "Cagaster" emerged. It transforms people into insects. The story starts in 2125, 30 years after the sickness first appeared. It chronicles the exploit...

6.10 6.47 516

TiNgS, the idol group formed by Haru Nabatame, Rio Seibu, and Kyouka Tamaki, is about to break up. However, their idol careers will continue if they can fill all 2000 seats at their forthcoming annive...

7.00 7.52 608

In a parallel universe, well-known racehorses who have left behind admirable legacies are resurrected as horse females. They begin their adventure over again in this life as they continue to race and ...

6.90 7.30 408