Story revolves around Hashima Itsuki and her friends, super-intelligent and an fortuneless beauty Kani Nayuta, Shirakawa Miyako, who is hopeless when it comes to love and the winner of the three crown...

6.10 7.30 655

Ao Horie, whose father Hanasaki Horie writes pornographic novels, shared a brief essay about herself when she was in kindergarten, which she quickly regrets. Ao wants to attend a prestigious instituti...

6.40 6.74 689

Originally, the Private Aichi Symbiosis Academy was a posh girls' high school. Out of fear, the girls requested permission to bring firearms to school when it became co-ed.  When that was put into ef...

6.60 6.90 580

The protagonist of the anime is a young man named Akihisa Yoshii, also referred to as "Baka" or "the idiot". He studies at Fumizuki Academy, where the faculty ruthlessly assigns students to groups dep...

7.20 7.54 555

Kaede Honjou starts playing the VRMMO videogame as the character Maple after being invited by her friend Risa Shiromine. She dedicates every one of her status points to defense due to her lack of game...

7.50 7.56 800

The Republic of Gallia's Neuroi threat was decisively eliminated from the sky by allied forces under the command of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing "Strike Witches" in September 1944, securing the securi...

6.00 6.78 538

Two nations, Donatia and Kouran, are engaged in a conflict for supremacy that is destroying the world around them in the year 3015, also known as the Huanli year. The small island of Nil Kamui has par...

4.60 5.63 592

In Shibuya, a wave of horrific killings known as "New Generation Madness" once caused widespread hysteria. When the violence was at its worst, the district was reduced to rubble by a violent earthquak...

5.70 6.33 462

Suzuki Ichirou, a 29-year-old programmer, is thrown straight into a fantasy role-playing game. He plays the role of Satou, a 15-year-old in the game. He initially believes he is dreaming, but his expe...

6.60 6.47 569

Ordinary elementary school student Illyasviel von Einzbern transforms into a magical girl when Kaleidostick Ruby decides she would make a better master than the sorceress Rin Tohsaka. Having been assi...

6.00 7.05 703

The magical girls are back, and ready for another round of adventure! After successfully recovering the Class Cards, fifth graders-turned magical girls Illya and Miyu think they can finally take it ea...

6.30 7.24 659