follows the exploits of the entire Rugrats crew. However, they are all adults today. The entire group has transformed, including Chuckie becoming a risk-taker and Angelica becoming friendlier. The gro...

5.40 361

The film begins in spring, a year after Charlotte's passing. Her three daughters, Nellie, Aranea, and Joy, are now entering adolescence, with Wilbur the pig serving as their loyal companion and mentor...

4.30 4.20 160

The Winx Club follows Bloom and her friends as they go on adventures in the Magical Dimension and on Earth. They discover new transformations, unlock powers, fight against darkness, and help Bloom lea...

6.20 174

Sheen Estevez, Jimmy Neutron's best friend, accidentally flies into space in Jimmy's rocketship. He lands on Zeenu, a planet inhabited by aliens called Zeenunians. Sheen wants to return home but his r...

2.90 125

Dudley Puppy, a dog voiced by Jerry Trainor, is the main character of the show. He works as a secret agent for T.U.F.F. (Turbo Undercover Fighting Force). His partner is a cat named Kitty Katswell, vo...

6.40 6.80 140

In this series, Dora goes to school and she lives in Playa Verde, which is a city. Together with the explorer girls and Pablo, Dora and friends work together and go on amazing adventures while discove...

7.00 6.30 129

The series is about an orphan boy named Eric, with his best friend Trevor and his two female friends, Vana and Kitty, who are training to become sidekicks at the Academy for Aspiring Sidekicks. While ...

7.60 6.90 75

A young boy named Rusty Rivets uses his knowledge of engineering to repurpose machine parts and create gadgets. He lives in the city[citation needed] of Sparkton Hills along with his friend Ruby Ramir...

7.50 7.00 100

O'Grady is an animated television series that aired from 2004 to 2006. Set in the fictional town of O'Grady, it follows the lives of a group of teenagers navigating high school and their everyday expe...

8.40 21