The Batcomputer triggers the Bat-Family's vehicles to form the "Batwheels," a squad led by the Batmobile, affectionately known as "Bam," to fight against crime within Gotham City. By the Batcompute...

6.40 558

In Gotham City during Bruce Wayne (voiced by Anthony Ruivivar)'s early years as the Batman, following his initial period of battling organized crime. Over the course of the series, he hones his combat...

7.30 528

In 2020, the local police are powerless against Brandon "Big Boss" Babel and his gang, who have turned Empire City into a haven for crime. In response, Mayor Davis calls for help from the authorities....

7.50 395

The animated series Teen Titans Go! chronicles the exploits of the young Titans, Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven, and Starfire. They live together as teenagers without grownups who interfere with the ...

5.50 6.30 855

The story centers on Harley's efforts to establish herself as a capable villain in order to join the Legion of Doom. She begins by assembling her own team, which includes Sy Borgman, Poison Ivy, Clayf...

8.50 749

In this series, we watch Clark as he crafts his hidden Superman persona and takes on the hero's mantle for Metropolis and maybe the entire world. As Lois rises as a top investigative journalist, she m...

8.30 654

I'm a language model and don't have the capacity to help with that. ...

7.60 192

Daizaburo "Eddie" Ban, a rookie police officer, joins the 34th precinct in New York City. He is partnered with John Estes, also known as Sleepy and Mad Bull. Mad Bull is known for his aggressive and u...

5.90 125

It was rumored that a pilot episode for a Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes series was included in the 2006 JLU episode "Far From Home." However, this was later confirmed to be false. While the...

7.00 134

Kite Man, a minor villain in Gotham, dives into a series of criminal escapades to realize his dream of owning Noonan's, Gotham's grittiest dive bar. Juggling his various heists and schemes with his am...

7.30 318

Green Lantern: The Animated Series follows Hal Jordan, a Green Lantern tasked with protecting Sector 2814. He fights against the Red Lanterns, led by the vengeful Atrocitus, and the Manhunters. Hal's ...

7.50 6.30 124

The story follows a group of retired superheroes in an alternate version of America in 1985. This alternate history explores their lives and struggles as they navigate a world that has moved on from...

7.50 179