Piggie Island life is not always easy, as depicted in Angry Birds Toons. Red, his irate flock of angry birds, Chuck, Matilda, Bomb, the Blues, and Terence must band together to defend their eggs and f...

6.20 410

Set as a prequel to the Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs films, the series follows Flint Lockwood and Sam Sparks during their high school years as best friends. Flint is determined to become a succes...

3.30 398

Four fierce and furry superhero kittens who are on a mission to make Kittydale a more caring and "pawesome" place. ...

6.40 647

The Boondocks is an animated series that satirizes African American culture and race relations. It follows the lives of the Freeman family, consisting of Huey, Riley, and their grandfather, Robert. Th...


The first episode of **Robot Chicken** premiered on February 20, 2005, at midnight EST on Adult Swim, with the first season concluding on July 18, 2005. The second season began on April 2, 2006, and w...

7.90 7.30 93

Brothers Mark and Hank Hoagies suddenly find themselves with no jobs when the Glantontown hot dog factory switches to automation. Lucky for them, the town starts a radical universal basic income pilot...

3.90 169