The show follows the exploits of Anne Boonchuy, a strong, daring, and independent Thai-American teenager. As punishment for breaking into a mysterious music box known as the Calamity Box on her 13th b...

8.30 204

A group of shipwrecked characters attempt to escape from an island inhabited by horrifying monsters, including the giant primate who rules the island: Kong. ...

6.70 463

Nocturne revolves around Richter, a young man tormented by the memory of his mother's tragic death at the hands of the vampire Olrox, played by Zahn McClarnon. Fate throws him together with the spirit...

8.40 614

Heron, an ordinary citizen of ancient Greece, learns of his divine lineage as Zeus's offspring and his vital mission to protect the world from a malevolent army of demons. ...

7.50 194